Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results
In Sexier Than a Squirrel, the Official AbsoluteDogs Podcast, join us here at Absolute Dogs as we talk training your dog, transforming your dog training struggles and getting real-life results through GAMES!
Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results
Top Tips for Days When Training Doesn't Go Right!
In this super episode of the Sexier than a Squirrel podcast, Tom and Lauren are diving into a topic that many of us might struggle with from time to time - what to do when things just aren't going right for you!
Whether your dog is throwing you some new behaviours you didn't see coming and you find yourself saying "they've never done that before!" or even if you're just feeling like the dog training goals you have set aren't playing out the way you planned, we've got some top tips, tricks, hacks, solutions and strategies for you in this episode!
Let's take a peek!
✔️🐶 Get reflective! Take some time to review the past few days and write down how life has been for you and your dog.
✔️🐶 Give yourself and your dog some decompression time - in separate spaces if need be - or just chill out on the sofa together.
✔️🐶 What they practice they become! Put management strategies in place to stop rehearsal of unwanted behaviour.
✔️🐶 Use your dog's daily food allowance to support them, help them and grow positive associations in situations where your dog is currently struggling.
✔️🐶 Don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what you CAN do! Reset, adjust your goals and choose 3 things that you can do right now to work on the struggles you are seeing from the dog in front of you!
Jump in and have a listen to this amazing podcast and learn all our tricks of the trade so you know what to do on days when things just aren’t going right – and while you’re here leave a review for us and share with us what was your biggest takeaway – and remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your dog, there is always a game for that!
If you’re loving the podcast, you’ll love our NEW Sexier than a Squirrel Dog Training Challenge even more! Get transformational dog training today for only £27!
Want even more epic dog training fun and games and solutions to all your dog training struggles? Join us in the AbsoluteDogs Games Club!
Want to take your learning to the next level? Jump into the games-based training membership for passionate dog owners and aspiring trainers that know they want more for themselves and their dog - Pro Dog Trainer Club!
And while you’re here, please leave a review for us and don’t forget to hit share and post your biggest lightbulb moment! Remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your dog, there is always a game for that!