Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results

Should I Teach My Puppy A Sit Or A Down?

absoluteDogs Episode 92

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In this week’s episode, we discuss: What are the right foundations for your puppy?

Every puppy is an individual and training should be approached with their unique personality and traits taken into consideration. Knowing what lights them up, what motivates them, and empowering them by providing them with many ways to be motivated in training can be essential. 

With games-based training, we grow concepts with our puppies. We grow their joy and prepare them for the situations they will face in the world before we put them into those situations. These creates a dog that is confident in their choices and that has the information they need to know what you expect. 

We mention a series of games in this podcast, and many are provided in the individual resources that you’ll receive with the link we’ve provided above and below. Get started on the right foot with your puppy with this super puppy resource bundle. 

Get excited and jump into your puppy resources right now!

Give yourself and your puppy the gift of games with our AbsolutePuppy programme, with video learning and written learning that will take everything you discover within this bundle even further with instruction and insight that will guide you through every puppy struggle you might encounter. 

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If you’re loving the podcast, you’ll love our NEW Sexier than a Squirrel Dog Training Challenge even more! Get transformational dog training today for only £27!

Want even more epic dog training fun and games and solutions to all your dog training struggles? Join us in the
AbsoluteDogs Games Club!

Want to take your learning to the next level? Jump into the games-based training membership for passionate dog owners and aspiring trainers that know they want more for themselves and their dog -
Pro Dog Trainer Club!

And while you’re here, please leave a review for us and don’t forget to hit share and post your biggest lightbulb moment! Remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your dog, there is always a game for that!