Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results
In Sexier Than a Squirrel, the Official AbsoluteDogs Podcast, join us here at Absolute Dogs as we talk training your dog, transforming your dog training struggles and getting real-life results through GAMES!
Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results
A Naughty But Nice Dog Journey: Grieving the Dog Owning Dream and Embracing Your Powerful Why
Welcome to this episode of the Sexier than a Squirrel podcast, the podcast that brings you real-life dog training results, and sometimes human training ones too!
In this inspirational and educational episode, Naughty But Nice dog owner, Pro Dog Trainer and wonderful podcast host, Dana, takes you on a journey through the challenges and triumphs she faced with her own NBN dog, Telly, a beautiful English Sheperd.
From battles with separation anxiety, leash reactivity and more to now enjoying off-leash freedom and so much more, Dana shares the heartwarming and transformative story of Telly's incredible progress through the power of positive games-based training.
Discover the emotional impact of having a reactive dog and the struggles that Dana faced, including moments of doubt and tears. Learn how Dana found hope and a path forward through AbsoluteDogs Games Club and the Naughty But Nice Bootcamps, unlocking a treasure trove of game-based training methods that led to immediate wins and measurable progress.
Dana discusses the turning points in Telly's journey, the power of advocacy for reactive dogs, and the game-changing experience of participating in AbsoluteDogs Bootcamps. Through the NBN Bootcamps, not only did Dana witness her own transformational success with Telly, she also shares incredible stories from the AbsoluteDogs community, showcasing the transformative power of games in real-life situations.
Tune in now for inspirational learning and training tips that are going to help Naughty But Nice dog owners worldwide! Oh, and while you’re here, please leave a review for us and share your biggest lightbulb moment or inspirational takeaway message with us – and remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your NBN dog, there is always a game for that!
If you’re loving the podcast, you’ll love our NEW Sexier than a Squirrel Dog Training Challenge even more! Get transformational dog training today for only £27!
Want even more epic dog training fun and games and solutions to all your dog training struggles? Join us in the AbsoluteDogs Games Club!
Want to take your learning to the next level? Jump into the games-based training membership for passionate dog owners and aspiring trainers that know they want more for themselves and their dog - Pro Dog Trainer Club!
And while you’re here, please leave a review for us and don’t forget to hit share and post your biggest lightbulb moment! Remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your dog, there is always a game for that!