Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results

Reactivity Transformation

absoluteDogs Episode 86

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Does your dog need a reactivity transformation? 

In this week’s podcast, we help an amazing Gamechanger through their reactivity struggles with some super tips that are sure to help your dog too!

In this week’s episode, we discuss: Achieving a Reactivity Transformation

Have you ever wanted a map to transform your dog’s reactivity? Maybe you’ve been unsure on how to get started. Maybe you’ve been told that your dog’s reactivity cannot be transformed? 

There is hope and we’ve laid out a plan within this podcast to get you started. 

Don’t forget to check out our YouTube video on this very subject!

And don’t forget, if you haven’t jumped into the Sexier than a Squirrel Challenge, today’s the day! Get it for 70% off! 

A review is a valuable point of feedback for us. If you could take a moment to review the podcast, that would be so, so appreciated. 

We want to bring you valuable, insightful content that helps dogs all over the world (yours included).

Stay sexy,  

Tom & Lauren

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And while you’re here, please leave a review for us and don’t forget to hit share and post your biggest lightbulb moment! Remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your dog, there is always a game for that!